Guide for Authors -Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic -
1. Scope
journal is an international forum devoted to research and developments in
the applications of whole-cell and cell-free enzymes as catalysts in
organic synthesis. Emphasis is focused on mechanistic and synthetic aspects
of the biocatalytic transformation.
deal with the following topics;
Industrial applications of enzymatic processes, e.g. in fine chemical
Chemo-, regio- and enantioselective transformations;
Screening for biocatalysts;
Integration of biocatalytic and chemical steps in organic syntheses;
Novel biocatalysts, e.g. enzymes from extremophiles and catalytic
Enzyme immobilization and stabilization, particularly in non-conventional
Bioprocess engineering aspects, e.g. membrane bioreactors;
Improvement of catalytic performance of enzymes, e.g. by protein
engineering or chemical modification;
Structural studies, including computer simulation, relating to substrate
specificity and reaction selectivity;
Biomimetic studies related to enzymatic transformations.
Types of contributions
are three types:
1. Full-length, or regular papers describing original research work not previously
2. Reviews of specialized topics within the scope of the Journal (prospective
authors should obtain preliminary approval from an Editor before preparing
such an article); short reviews on enzymatic processes will be considered.
3. Letters reporting results which should be made rapidly available to other
researchers in the field. They should consist of concise descriptions or
brief reports of investigations. They may be completely documented
(description of experimental procedure, reference to literature, etc.).
Letters will be considered for publication only if they report on new
reactions, catalysts or mechanisms, and are a maximum of 4 printed pages in
length. The authors are requested to indicate, in a covering letter, the
reasons which justify the publication of their results as a Letter.
Preparation of papers
language of the Journal is English. For initial submission of manuscripts
for consideration, one original and two
copies should be submitted. For the processing of accepted
papers, electronic versions are preferred. After final
acceptance, your disk plus one final and exactly
matching printed version should be submitted together. Double density (DD)
or high density (HD) diskettes (3.5 or 5.25 inch) are acceptable. It is
important that the file saved is in the native format of the wordprocessor
program used. Label the disk with the name of the computer and
wordprocessing package used, your name, and the name of the file on the
double-space all material. Be concise.
Please try to adhere to the following format:
Title, author(s) address(es).
Include mailing or "ZIP" code in countries using this system.
Indicate to whom proofs should be sent and please include the relevant
telephone, fax and e-mail numbers.
Abstract (100-200 words) and five relevant
Introduction. Statement of the problem.
Outline of the paper and important findings.
Theory (if any).
Experimental (if any).
Results and discussion.
Acknowledgements (if any).
References. Number consecutively inside
square brackets [ ] with one entry per reference number throughout the text
and supply a separate reference list.
In the
text the authors' names are given without initials. When reference is made
to a publication written by more than two authors, it is preferable to give
only the first author's name in the text followed by "et al.", or
the senior author's name followed by "and co-workers". In the
list of references the names and initials of all authors must be given. In
the reference list, periodicals [1], books [2], multi-author books [3] and
proceedings [4] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:
M.S. Jarrell, B.C. Gates, E.D. Nicholson, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 100 (1978)
L.R. Snyder, Principles of Adsorption Chromatography, Marcel Dekker, New
York, 1968, p. 201.
R.D. Marshall, A. Neuberger, in A. Gottschalk (Ed.), Glycoproteins, Vol. 5,
Part A, 2nd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1972, Chap. 3, p. 215.
G.C. Bond, P.B. Wells, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Scientific Bases for the
Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1-4 September
1986, paper No. 2.
for the title of journals should follow the system used by Chemicals
Abstracts Service Source Index, and supplements.
Articles not yet published should be indicated in the reference list as
"in press", "submitted for publication" or "in
preparation". When "in press" or `submitted for publication'
the journal title should be given. Results not yet published should be
indicated as `unpublished results' or "personal communication",
preceded by the name of the person supplying the information, and
preferably also giving the year.
Tables. Number consecutively and type on a numbered, separate page. Please
use Arabic numerals and supply a heading. Add units to the column headings.
Illustrations. Number consecutively with Arabic numerals. Please supply one
original suitable for direct reproduction and two additional copies. Number
all figures on the front and all photos on the back and add the author's
name. Indicate the top of all photographs and figures when there may be
doubt. All photographs must be glossy prints. Supply a list of captions on
a separate page. Size figures for a two- or three-fold reduction. If
structures are given in the text, original drawings should be provided.
Colour illustrations can be reproduced at the author's expense.
symbols and abbreviations. Only widely accepted symbols
and forms of abbreviation should be used. If there is any doubt about a
particular symbol or abbreviation, the full expression followed by the
abbreviation should be given the first time it appears in the text.
Abbreviations used in Tables and Figures should be explained in the
legends. In general, the recommendations of the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) should be followed, and SI units should be
used or SI equivalents of other units used should be given.
print-outs of data received by recording instruments will not in general be
published but an indication may be given in the article where the auxiliary
data are available.
in Japan please note: Upon request, Elsevier
Science K.K. will provide authors with a list of people who can check and
improve the English of their paper (before submission). Please contact our Tokyo office: Elsevier Science K.K., 1-9-15
Higashi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Tel. (03) 5561-5032; Fax (03)
may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief:
Prof. R.A. Sheldon, Department of Organic
Chemistry and Catalysis, Faculty of Chemical Technology & Materials
Science, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL Delft,
The Netherlands. Fax: 31 (15) 278-1415. E-mail:
or to the Editors:
Prof. Y. Asano, Biotechnology Research
Center, Toyama Prefectural University, 5180 Kurokawa, Kosugi, Toyama
939-0398, Japan. Fax: +81 (766) 562498. E-mail:
Prof. J.D. Stewart, The University of Florida, Department of Chemistry, 127 Chemistry Research Building, Gainesville, FL 32611-7200, USA Fax: +1 352 846 2095. E-mail:
Copyright regulations
Upon acceptance of an article by the Journal, the author(s) will be asked
to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer
will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under
international copyright legislation.
Proofs and offprints
The accepted article will be regarded as final and the files will be
processed as such. Proofs are for checking typesetting/editing: only
printer's errors may be corrected. No changes in, or additions to the
edited manuscript will be accepted. Fifty offprints of each paper will be
supplied free of charge to the author. Additional offprints can be ordered
at prices shown on the offprint order form which will be sent to the author
upon receipt of the accepted manuscript by the publisher.
All questions arising after acceptance of the manuscript, especially those
relating to proofs, should be directed to Journal of Molecular Catalysis
B: Enzymatic, Elsevier Science B.V., P.O. Box 2759,
1000 CT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: (+31-20) 4852-800; Fax: (+31-20)
4852-775; E-mail:
of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic has
no page charges.